Occupational Health Service
We at MAYA Hospital & Health Services provide health services to all Occupations which include Hospital services from OPD to IPD treatment
We at MAYA Hospital & Health Services provide health services to all Occupations which include Hospital services from OPD to IPD treatment
As per Factory act and requirement of various ISO certification Bodies, pre-employment and Annual Health check-up should be done for all workers.
We are also providing “Visiting Medical Officer” for Industries as per as Requirements. They do consultation and treatment of Employees,
We are conducting comprehensive course of FIRST AID which will prepare participates to make appropriate decision about recognition, preventation and Treatment for emergencies.
We also give video- visual presentation on various aspect of health for Industrial employees which help to maintain health & fitness which is used for their performances.
Stress is directly & indirectly affects the health of employees Our goal is to not eliminate stress but to learn how to manage it.